Thursday, May 10, 2012

Hand Splints

Hand splinting is an accepted intervention for the target population of quadriplegics with spinal cord injuries. A variety of static splint designs can be used, depending on level of injury, muscle strength, and the patient's acceptance. The dynamic splint designs are used most frequently with patients whose lesions are at C-6 and C-7.   They are designed for comfort and therapy.  Most splints are lined with sheep skin to help prevent the breakdown of the epidermis.

Hand splints are primarily used to restrain the patients fingers in a normal position. Without the splints, a quadriplegic's hand will contract as if it were grasping a golfball at all times. 

Unfortunately hand splints are only maintenance therapy for a quadriplegic.  There has been no proof of any hand / finger functional improvement due to the use of splints. 

1 comment:

  1. Most splints are lined with sheep skin to help prevent the breakdown of the epidermis spinal cord injury excersize & guideline
